English shilling-Lolium perenne L.

English swing is a three-to-four-year low type of grass, with a strong initial increase and early development. Excellent tolerates trampling and frequent mowing. It thrives best on heavy, fresh and moist soils that are well supplied with nutrients. It is sensitive to low temperatures and long-term snow cover . In terms of nutritional value, it is one of the most important types of grasses. We sow it as a clean crop, but above all we recommend it for sowing in clover grass mixtures for intensive use for pasture and for mowing.
VARIETY-CALIBRA –Medium late tetraploid variety for mowing. It is distinguished

high and high quality yield. With intensive use, it lasts for at least three years. The variety is characterized by good resistance to diseases and is suitable for production at higher altitudes.

VARIETY-VICTORIAN –A quality variety that gives a high and high-quality yield. Resistant to high temperatures.

Absolute weight:3.0-4.6 g /Sowing depth:1-2 cm/Sowing norm:30-40 kg/ha

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