Purple basil seed

1,00 €

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Basil has an aromatic, refreshing and slightly spicy taste. It is best to use it fresh, since it loses its smell and taste when it dries. The substances it contains have an anti-inflammatory effect, and help with kidney disease and digestive and respiratory problems.

Basil is an annual plant that can reach a height of 80 cm. The stem is upright, and the leaves are ovate with a sharp tip.

Sowing basil

Optimum results in growing basil are achieved if sowing is done at the beginning of May, since it is very easily damaged by late spring frosts. If it is planted in areas where there is no danger of frost, sowing can be done already at the end of April, which is the optimal time. Basil should be sown in an inter-row spacing of 50 cm. 3 to 5 seeds are usually sown in the pits, at a distance of 20 to 25 cm

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